Here are 10 basic stretching exercises that you can do at home or work to improve overall
health, flexibility, and fitness:

Neck Stretch:
○ Slowly tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear towards your shoulder.
○ Hold for 15-30 seconds, feeling a gentle stretch along the side of your neck.
○ Repeat on the other side.

Shoulder Stretch:
○ Bring your right arm across your chest.
○ Use your left hand to gently pull your right arm closer to your chest.
○ Hold for 15-30 seconds, feeling the stretch in your shoulder.
○ Repeat on the other side.

Triceps Stretch:
○ Raise your right arm overhead and bend your elbow, reaching your hand down
your back.
○ Use your left hand to gently push on your right elbow.
○ Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch sides.

Chest Opener:
○ Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
○ Clasp your hands behind your back and straighten your arms.
○ Lift your arms slightly, opening your chest.
○ Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Cat-Cow Stretch (Spinal Flexion and Extension):
○ Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
○ Inhale, arch your back, and lift your head (cow).
○ Exhale, round your spine, and tuck your chin to your chest (cat).
○ Repeat for 1-2 minutes.

Child’s Pose:
○ Kneel on the floor with your big toes touching and knees apart.
○ Lower your torso between your knees, reaching your arms forward.
○ Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, feeling a stretch in your back.

Hip Flexor Stretch:
○ Step your right foot forward into a lunge position.
○ Lower your left knee to the ground and press your hips forward.
○ Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch sides.

Seated Forward Bend:
○ Sit on the floor with your legs extended.
○ Hinge at your hips and reach toward your toes.
○ Hold for 15-30 seconds, feeling a stretch in your hamstrings.

Quadriceps Stretch:
○ Stand with feet hip-width apart.
○ Bend your right knee and bring your heel towards your buttocks.
○ Hold your right ankle with your right hand.
○ Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch legs.

Ankle Circles:
○ Sit or stand with one leg lifted.
○ Rotate your foot in a circular motion, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
○ Repeat on the other leg.

Remember to perform these stretches slowly and gently, holding each stretch for an appropriate
duration. Incorporate them into your routine to improve flexibility and overall health.